For Megan's Second Birthday we took her to the Aquarium in Baltimore. Its a huge 3 building aquarium. We didn't get to see the dolphin show (One had given birth that morning so the shows were cancelled) but we did enjoy all of ther other exhibits. We didn't get a good picture of it but there was a large pool that had some seriously huge sting rays.

On Megan's actual Birthday mommy worked all day, but we had cake and a few smaller presents that evening.
She almost got that candle out on her own.

Megan has gotten very good at opening her presents. She hardly needs any help anymore.

The Birthday Princess.
The giant star balloon with happy birthday written on it was a dud it only stayed inflated for a day but the butterfly was a big hit. It lasted almost a week
There is a park with a huge playground that is designed to accomodate disabled children in one of the nearby cities. It has a huge playground. Megan has been there 4 times this week. 3 times with daddy while mommy had orientation and first day of work and once today with both of us. She has a great time running from one piece of equipment to another. This morning was gorgeous with cool breezes sunshine and reletively low humidity. It was nice to get out of the house for a few hours.
Megan insists on climbing on and off all the toys by herself. She's even started climbing into the car and getting up in her car seat all by herself.
We ride the Carosel at least twice every time we visit the park.

Megan recieved her big present from mommy and daddy a little early. We finally got her the tricycle she's been wanting for months. Of course she can't peddle on her own yet so we had to get the kind that parents can push and steer from the back. She thinks she's hot stuff.
Megan used her fork to eat the chocolate icing off her cake, leaving the actual cake behind. Yumm Yummm!
Megan has gotten very good at opening her presents. She hardly needs any help anymore.
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