We pulled out Megan's snow suit and sent her out to play on the patio with daddy on Saturday. She lasted about 10 minutes. Later that day when many of the neighbors were out shoveling, she ran around out in the street with one of her friends. Megan got stuck when she followed Anna into the deep stuff and had to be rescued. Wish we had a picture of that but it would have been too cruel to leave her there screaming while I ran for the camera.
All bundled up ready to go out for the first time.
David dug a hole for her almost down to the patio bricks.

Megan had more luck crawling than walking through the snow.
Here's David at the begining of the digging out. It tooks us six hours to shovel our little bit of sidewalk and dig out the cars. Luckily our street was plowed by the home owners association. Some neighborhoods in the area still haven't been plowed, and we're expecting another 10-20 inches of snow. Can we say SNOWVERKILL. By the end of the day David wasn't smiling any more.

At least the view from my bedroom window was pretty.
Sunday Megan made it out to play again. She did go sledding with some of the other kids and loved it. Again- me without my camera. Will have to get the photos from the neighbor.
There was so much snow we had to use the shovel to clear the cars.

Yeah Halabuhji finally made it.
Megan started a new game. Haircut. Luckily her red plastic scissors don't cut through hair.
Halmuhni played with Evan while Halabuhji got in on the "haircut" action.

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