Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa braved the snow and ice about 10 days ago and came for a visit. We had a fun filled weekend hanging out at home, playing outside and going to some of the museums. Megan always enjoys having extra people around to entertain and play with her. We topped off the visit with a wonderful dinner at Carlyle- yummy.
Because its been so cold lately and we haven't been outside much, Daddy went out and got a basketball hoop so we can run off sum energy indoors. Daddy also braved the "pink" isle at the toystore and picked up a fairy outfit. Here's Megan enjoying both of her new acquisitions.
On the weekend we went to the American History Museum. We alternated more "adult" exhibits with the ones more suited for kids Just hangin out at home.
Grandma and Grandpa and Megan had an art festival at the kitchen table.

The dragon puppet from great aunt Barbie likes to chase Megand and eat Mommy's hair.
We miss you.

1 comment:

Wes and Leslie said...

Hi, so good to hear from you. Looks like you had fun with your parents. We should be up there this summer. Hopefully we can see you guys.