Megan opened her Valentine's gift from grandma and played with it while waiting for AJ to wake up in the morning.
The cousins seemed very excited to see each other and spent a long time playing basketball and chasing each other around our apartment. For a couple of two year olds they played together pretty well- but thank goodness we had 2 balls.

In the afternoon, we took them to the playground. Megan showed AJ how to go down the tube slide. AJ went down with his daddy first but then had a great time going down by himself. They also enjoyed the teeter totter, sandbox and other slides.

Later that night they played with Megan's doll house together. Here they are saying cheese for the camera.

No collection of photos would be complete without the bathtub shot. They had so many toys piled in the tub there was barely enough room to rinse them.
Playing on the bed after bathtime.
On the second day of the visit we took the subway to the national mall. We visited the Natural History and American History museums then had an early dinner at the Dubliner downtown before returning home to play a little more.

Here we are embarrasing David by taking pictures on the subway like a bunch of tourists.