Megan's first Trick-or-Treat was a mixed bag. She loved getting dressed up in her fancy witch outfit and waving her good witch wand. She even wore her hat for quite awhile.
Here we are getting ready to head out. We started at around six o'clock so it would still be light outside.

Here we are heading across the street to the neighbors house to get some candy. This is looking like it might be fun.
Here we are across the street at Leslie and Wesley's. (We have several sets of rhyming neighbors.) She was a little timid, but she knows Leslie so things went OK.
We came back across the street and checked out our loot.
Some of the neighbor boys from down the street came to give her some candy and then we tried one more house. Unfortunately any time anyone else put anything in her pumpkin- even when it was another little kid- she erupted into tears. So, we came home in trick-or-treat disgrace to pass out candy on the porch.
Around seven, Megan was ready to go back inside and we took a nice bath, which she enjoyed, and then we got ready for bed.

Here we are across the street at Leslie and Wesley's. (We have several sets of rhyming neighbors.) She was a little timid, but she knows Leslie so things went OK.
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