Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Visit from the Grandparents

We had a wonderful visit from mom and dad over the weekend. We spent most of our time at the pool or hanging around the house. We did make trips to the mall and to the Downtown Aquarium. The Aquarium was rather crowded, but Megan does love the fish.

It was grandma's turn to spend hours reading to Megan. Barbie-the everything book is still the favorite (and now showing it in wear and tear). Grandma swears she says Cock-a doodle doo, moo, bow-wow-wow, and lots of other things when she reads to her. Grandpa and I weren't as sure.

Grandma and grandpa did most of the baby care duties for the weekend- which was just fine with mommy. Notice grandpa's shoes- Megan picked them out for him to wear. (Sorry I can't figure out how to rotate this picture.)

Whether popsicles or cereal- a great time was had by all at mealtime.

We tried on Megan's birthday dress briefly for grandma and grandpa.

Megan went on the carousel at the aquarium with grandma.

Here are a few more photos from out trip to the aquarium.

It was hard to say goodby, but at least this time its only for a few weeks instead of a months.

1 comment:

Mommy K said...

Looks like you all had fun! Can't wait to meet Megan next weekend (and to see you too, of course.)
Love you!!!