We had a wonderful Christmas Vacation this year. We traveled to Columbus a day early to avoid a big snowstorm that dumped over a foot of snow in the DC area. I had to pack everything for all 4 of us in just a couple of hours, and I almost packed everything we needed. We avoided most of the snow until we hit Ohio, but even then the roads weren't too bad. Thankfully David had plenty of practice driving in the snow when he lived in Minnesota.

Megan and AJ bonded pretty quickly. They ran around and had a great time all week at grandmas house.
Sadly I didn't get any pictures of our trips to the bounce place or Build a Bear, but both were a big hit with Megan.

Uncle Eric brought his Wii over to grandmas. Megan and AJ dueled with swords. I must say Megan is pretty ruthless, sorry AJ. The big boys played lots of golf.

Evan just hung out on the floor during the Wii activities. He seemed to enjoy the flailing arms and excited exclamations.

On Sunday we went to church and had Evan's baby blessing. It was good to see some old friends.

Daddy and Evan just hanging out.

Wrestling matches were a frequent theme, especially when uncle Eric was around.

Monday was cookie baking day with the aunts. (We missed you Barbie and Sue)

The kids did a great job unwrapping all the kisses and peanut butter cups. They acutally unwrapped them without eating them.

Decorating the sugar cookies was also great fun, but the kids ran out of steam long before the cookies ran out and the aunts had to take over.

Emma was great with her little cousins. She even fed Evan for me while I was passed out upstairs.

More wrestling.

We took a trip to see great great aunt Ruth. We couldn't really get Ruth to take her eyes off the baby long enough to get a picture of her face.

Megan and grandpa had a second cookie baking session later in the week.

Christmas Eve some of the Fam joined us for dinner and games.

Grandpa entertained the kids downstairs with the train.

Uncle Eric gave shoulder rides.

Great auntie Ruthie took bath duties.

Great uncle Mark- still great.

Cousin Mike was a hit throwing the kids in the air, and cousin Tommy scored points with the kids during the wrapping roll (aka bonk-y-bonk) fight.

Christmas morning was nice and relaxing. Santa Claus got Megan everything on her list- jump rope, scooter, stampers, and a fairy robe.

Megan can now "read" her own books with her leap frog pen. It didn't take her long to figure out how to get it to read to her.

Daddy got both the kids gopher gear.

It was a little cold but we took the kids outside for a little while to try out the scooter and run off some energy.

Family portraits.
Captain Morgan, Eric, David, Megan, Angela, Evan, Lisa and AJ.

The Sauers and grandpa's hand.

The Hyun's.

Grandma and Grandpa with the grandkids. Hmmm..... it was really hard to get this picture, I don't know how we'll ever get a good shot when we add Lisa's little girl this spring.

Great Aunt Barbie came down to visit briefly on Christmas day.

Once we arrived home we had another small snowfall. It wasn't the 18 inches of the previous week but Megan had a good time playing in it.

Evan and Megan are too cute in their monkey and fish towels. They are great for keeping the kids warm after their baths.