Megan's favorite was the petting zoo and pony ride.

Despite her expression, she really was having a good time. The other day on the way home from school she was talking about it. "ride horsey, OK." (When she says OK that means she's asking if we can do something and answering yes for me.) She was quite upset when we got home and there was no horsey for her to ride.

The weather was good for most of the week, and Megan got to spend alot of time outside with grandma and grandpa. Megan loves her new baby pool.

Megan's friend Cannon traded toys with her and walked all around the block with us. Just don't tell Cannon's daddy.We sponge painted eggs. I highly recommend sponging eggs for Katie and Lisa next year. Megan could actually decorate them herself this way.
The wildlife refuge was very "winny" (windy in Megan speak).
Grandma, Grandpa, and Megan enjoyed looking at the birds.
Daddy just got eaten alive by mosquitos.
It was a good last day before grandma and grandpa had to go home.
Ok the following are just random bits of cuteness from the past couple of months when I wasn't posing regularly.