Friday, January 11, 2008


We had a great visit to Ohio for Christmas. It was nice to finally be able to stay for a whole week. Here's Megan posing in her new Christmas dress. Thank you halmuhni.

Megan entertained herself, as well as mommy and daddy, by riding the people movers over and over and over again. Each time she caught sight of daddy she waved and blew kisses. She was pretty good at getting on and off, almost by herself, after about an hour of practice. Well grandma had them both on her lap for a minute, but not long enough to get the camera.
Sorry about the pink PJs AJ, but that's what happens when you have to borrow from your cousin. Don't worry, you still don't look like a girl.
Megan helped grandma cut out Christmas cookies and ice them. Once she tasted the icing it mostly went in her mouth instead of on the cookies.

Megan may not be used to the cold, but she still loved playing outside with her grandpa. She was a big help carrying the luminere's.
Megan and AJ- ah the few peaceful moments together before the battle over toys commences.
By the end of the morning, Megan was getting the hang of opening packages.
I think she spent at least 3 hours pushing her baby around grandma's house the first day. Here she is also trailing those ducks. Thanks grandma :-]

The boys enjoyed a round of games.
Grandpa with his babies.
The Fegans and their spoils from the Chinese gift exchange.
Here we are sneaking the babies back to our side of the hall after the gift exchange.
More cousin bonding.

Megan loved splashing in the fountains.
She wore herself out going down the water slides over and over and over again.
AJ splashing in the fountain
We miss you.

1 comment:

Mommy K said...

Thanks for the big update...I've been waiting on it for quite some time! =) Megan is just the cutest and I love her different facial expressions. Also, I think her new kitchen is nicer than my real kitchen...impressive!
Love you guys!
Katie, Carl, Carter & Baby