Thursday, March 27, 2008

Halmuhni and Halabuhji Visit

OK OK I know its been forever since I updated the blog. I've been crazy busy with flying to DC twice, job hunting, house hunting etc. The good news is David and I both have jobs and we have a place to live next year.

While I was away the first time David's parents visited. I was sorry I didn't get to see them very much. Here are some pictures from their visit.

"Sing, sing a song, sing out loud...."

Having grandparents around always means more trips to the park, YEAH!

"Stop taking pictures and push the swing already," says Megan

Finally, swininging.

Ok, this is a scream of joy not terror.... really.

Megan loves to climb on the "rope bridge" which is actually metal, but still bounces. Some of the 2 and 3 year olds still won't walk on it because it moves, but Megan likes to get in the middle and bounce up and down on purpose.

These days, Megan can really make that Zebra BOUNCE.

While I was away the family took a trip to the zoo. They tell me that Megan was very cute making monkey sounds. The Giraffes were another favorite.

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